This autumn has been off to a shaky start with reports of a false Autumn leading to some deciduous trees changing colour and dropping leaves early. Despite this, most trees still have their leaves and we can look forward to stunning transformations as leaves turn golden yellow, bright orange, copper, rich burgundy and crimson red. Here's some of our favourites for adding a splash of colour to your garden this autumn.
Japanese Maples are renowned for spectacular displays and many are suited to small gardens. Acer palmatum 'Cascade' turns vibrant shades of orange and red, whilst 'Osakazuki' turns a true bright red. For feathery, dissected leaves, Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet' and 'Inaba-shidare' are strong choices.For slightly larger specimens, Persian Ironwood (Parrotia persica) and Sweet Gum (Liquidambar) trees are unbeatable choices for autumn colour. Sweet Gum trees have wonderfully incised leaves reminiscent of those found on Maples, whilst Persian Ironwood have Witchhazel-like flowers on bare branches in late winter / early spring. Other species offering spring flowers and autumn colour include Amelanchier trees (Juneberry) and Flowering Cherry trees (Prunus). Rowan trees (Sorbus) have both autumn coloured foliage and bright berries ranging in colours from golden yellow to hot pink. Crab Apple trees (Malus) are another excellent option for colourful fruits.